What is Laser Hair Reduction?
Laser hair reduction is one of the most common aesthetic treatments. It's a convenient option for the long-term reduction of hair follicles on the face and/or body. Traditionally, laser hair reduction has been a lengthy and painful procedure, until now. At Infinite Wellness & Aesthetics, you will receive a virtually painless hair removal experience. We are one of the only facilities in Maine to offer the innovative technology of Soprano ICE. Soprano ICE works on all skin types, utilizing a state-of-the-art cooling system for fast, virtually painless results.
Packages include 6 treatments (brazilian & Bikini include 8) plus 2 maintanence treatments
Abdomen $1500
Arm(full) $1500
Arm (half) $1000
Back(half) $1500
Back(full) $2500
Between eyebrows $600
Bikini $1000
Brazilian $1500
Buttocks $1500
Chest $1500
Chest and abdomen $2500
Chin $600
Upper lip $600
Chin and lip $1000
Legs (full) $2500
Legs (half) $1500
Under arms $1000
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.